Friday, December 12, 2008

Nika: the world's craftiest Miniature Husky.

You see this beautiful face? Goddamn right you do. This is the face of the world's greatest motherfucking dog. Not only is she one of the most mild mannered, and perfect dogs I have seen, Jesus Tittyfucking Christ she's also smart as fuck.

Her name is Nika, and she is far greater than any dog you will ever have. Why? Because she has a wicked sense of humor. Earlier today, I took her out to use the restroom, and she walked over to our neighbors side of the yard, took a huge, messy, steaming shit. After she had finished, she then proceeded to rake leaves over the huge pile of shit until it was no longer visible, thus creating a booby-trap. Immediately after she was finished, she did a little happy dance, and shot me a really funny look. It was a gaze that spoke directly to my soul, and for that fraction of a moment, our minds melded and I could hear her tell me "That'll get those fuckers!".

Words cannot display how fucking proud of this dog I am. She's gonna dine on fucking 5 star dinner tonight, you can rest assured on that. This dog is, for lack of a better word, the Shit.

This has been yet another "For lack of a better blog...", now if you'll excuse me, I have to cook a 5 star meal. (I KNOW! A GUY THAT CAN COOK!)



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